
Showing posts from May, 2021

NWR: AGYW Embrace Strategies to combat prejudice

30 Adolescent Girls and Young Women have on Saturday May 15 attended a workshop titled; combating prejudice, a driver of violenc Organized by Common Action for Gender and Development (COMAGEND). The project which is funded by #defyhatenow Cameroon and her partners with COMAGEND being an partner is contribution of #defyhatenow Cameroon’s agenda on Mobilizing Civic Action to Encounter Violent Extremism, is meant to build the capacity of Adolescent Girls and Young Women on how to overcome prejudice based on identity and context which has proven to be on of the drivers of Violence and Hate in Contemporary Cameroon. With the hope that people let go of their personal biases and prejudice especially through them getting involved in inter dialogue sessions in the face of the violent conflict the North West and South West are experiencing now. According to Sally Mboumien the executive director of COMANGEND the conflict the North West and South West regions are experiencing is as a result


30 female community leaders from six communities within mezam division in the North West Region of Cameroon have been trained with skills and processes that can enable them engage their communities in trauma healing.          The four day training of trainers organized by Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) in collaboration with Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy (CABTAL) which took place at the COMAGEND office in Bamenda was titled; strengthening the capacity of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) as relay agents for trauma healing. This workshop session comes at a time when people living in the Anglophone regions of the country have gone through disturbing moments and are in need of mental freedom. According to the Executive Director of COMAGEND who doubles as the General Coordinator at South West/North West Womens Task Force, Madam Sally Mboumien, the reason for bringing this 30 Adolescent Girls and Young Women is to teach them to be comm


            Over 26 media men and women have been trained by Women in Alternative Action (W.A.A) Cameroon, on the role of the media in peace building and conflict, ethical and responsible reporting, which will ensure peace and safety. The training that took place at the Catholic Women Immaculate Conception Home Finance junction, on May 6th 2021, aimed at equipping media personnel, with skills on humanitarian reporting which will go a long way to build peace in the region.  According to the facilitator of the day Madam Rosaline Obah, a journalist's pen has so much power and whatever is reported, will either go a long way to incite hate, violence or build a peaceful society. Therefore, the duties and responsibility of a journalist, is to  report fairly, report the  background of the conflict and its causes, present the human side of the story and also  report on peace efforts being made and not only dwell on the negative angle. Afterwards, the facilitator walked the participant